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The VSUZH is there to help you if you don’t know what to do. Whether you have problems with your landlord or your roommates, whether you need help with an exam recourse or whether you have any other everyday legal problem: Often it’s not worth going to a lawyer. This is where the VSUZH legal advice service can help you quickly and online.


Due to exams there will be no consultations in June. Registrations will be answered again in July.​

Thank you for your understanding.


Our legal consultations take place on the following weekdays:


Every week:

Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesdays 4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Thursdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Online Consultation

The legal consultation is conducted online through Zoom. After registration you will be assigned an appointment with a slot. At the time of this slot, a link for a Zoom meeting will be sent to you via email. I.e. be online at the given time and check your inbox including spam.

Data protection / Confidentiality

Both the identity of the person seeking advice and the content of the advice will be treated confidentially by ReBeKo.


Registration is mandatory and must be submitted at least 24 hours before an appointment in order to be considered.

The following documents must be submitted with your registration using the registration form below, otherwise the registration cannot be considered.


  • Family name, first name

  • Facts including relevant documents

  • Concrete question to the consultants

  • Completed and hand-signed scanned disclaimer


If a confirmed appointment cannot be kept, we ask you to cancel it in any case. This way, the appointments can be passed on and the counselors do not wait in vain for people who do not show up.


Please note that our team consists exclusively of students and that processing all inquiries takes a lot of time. We deal with all inquiries as quickly as possible.

Upload File

In order for us to be able to advise you, it is imperative that you upload our completed and signed liability waiver.

upload file

Your registration has been successfully received. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.


The offer is free of charge for members of the VSUZH, the VAUZ, the VSZHAW and the VSETH. Those who are not yet members can become members right before the consultation or pay a symbolic contribution of CHF 5.

Cases of Sexual Harassment

Should you or a person in your environment experience sexual harassment, we offer you additional information on the following page:

If you don't find the information you are looking for, we will be happy to help you in our legal department.

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Anmeldung zur Rechtsberater*in

Bist du interessiert Rechtsberater*in beim VSUZH zu werden? Dann trag im foldenden Formular deine Daten ein und wir melden uns bei dir!

Du studierst im

Vielen Dank für deine Anmeldung!

Anmeldung Rechtsberater*in
More Information

Note that there are three 30-minute slots available for each counseling appointment. If the slots for a desired appointment are already fully booked, you will automatically be registered for a next appointment.


If you have problems or the registration form does not work, please contact us directly via

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VSUZH Board Members!      

Are you interested in getting involved for other students? Are you a student at UZH and a motivated individual who would like to organize the next freshman day? Are you interested in actively participating in university politics? Would you like to support student organizations and associations (StudOrgs) at UZH in their activities while getting to know motivated students? Then you are the perfect board member for VSUZH!


Your Tasks

  • Educational representation of students' interests as part of the executive team of the association

  • Active participation in board meetings

  • Contribution to, coordination, and implementation of various projects

  • Responsibility for various subject areas as part of a department


We Offer

  • Diverse activities with a high level of independence and personal responsibility

  • Contribution to shaping student life at UZH

  • Flexible working hours

  • Implementation and development of creative ideas

  • The opportunity to advocate for the 22,000 students in a leadership role

  • Free entry to VSUZH events



  • Communication skills

  • Team spirit

  • Reliability

  • Resilience


Starting Date: May 15, 2024, or by arrangement.

Workplace: VSUZH Office, Rämistrasse 62, 8001 Zurich & Home Office.


Find an overview of the 7 different departments at VSUZH here!


Have these tasks sparked your interest? Then we would love to get to know you personally and provide more information about the selection process. :) Feel free to email us at Perhaps you'll soon be the next board member in our fantastic student association. We look forward to meeting you!

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     VSUZH Co-Presidency!

Are you interested in getting involved for other students? Are you a student at UZH and a motivated individual who would like to organize the next freshman day? Are you interested in actively participating in university politics? Would you like to support student organizations and associations (StudOrgs) at UZH in their activities while getting to know motivated students? Then you are the perfect board member for VSUZH!


Your Tasks

  • Representation of the VSUZH board in the council, at the Swiss Student Union (VSS), and opposite the rector and vice-rector, as well as external parties

  • Maintaining an overview of ongoing projects

  • Leading board meetings

  • Participating in section council and presidium meetings as well as briefings


We Offer

  • Diverse activities with a high level of independence and personal responsibility

  • Contribution to shaping student life at UZH

  • Flexible working hours

  • Implementation and development of creative ideas

  • The opportunity to advocate for the 22,000 students in a leadership role

  • Free entry to VSUZH events



  • Communication skills

  • Team spirit

  • Reliability

  • Resilience


Starting Date: May 15th, 2024, or by arrangement.

Workplace: VSUZH Office, Rämistrasse 62, 8001 Zurich & Home Office.


Find an overview of the 7 different departments at VSUZH here!


Have these tasks sparked your interest? Then we would love to get to know you personally and provide more information about the selection process. :) Feel free to email us at Perhaps you'll soon be the next board member in our fantastic student association. We look forward to meeting you!

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Do you want to get involved voluntarily with the VSUZH for students in general? Do you enjoy trying new things and like working with a fantastic, diverse team?

Then become a member, join the council, and participate in our committees. You can also send an email to info@vsuzh.chIf you have any questions or uncertainties, we are available both via email and in our office. :)


For more information and immediate updates about the open positions on the board, follow us on Instagram @vsuzh ! (:

Important resources




Contact & inquiries

social media​






© 2020 University of Zurich Students Association

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