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study associations

At the UZH, the study associations are your student representatives towards the institute and faculty. Changes that explicitly affect your course should always be dealt with by the study association. There is also a study association conference at the Philosophical Faculty and the Science Faculty. The study association conference offers them the opportunity to exchange ideas with one another, appear united in front of their faculty, to elect the student representatives for all committees of their respective faculties and to discuss joint university policy positions. The professional associations therefore play an essential role in the representation of student interests and good cooperation between all of us is extremely helpful for meaningful work on current topics.


Of course, the study associations take on another extremely important task: organizing and staging a wide variety of events that add a lot of variety to campus life at UZH. And finally, many study associations also offer various opportunities to get through your studies more successfully. Regardless of whether you need tips on learning, just want to hang out or make new contacts, you are at the right place with the study associations.


If your course does not yet have a professional association, you can easily set up a study association for your course yourself. If you have questions, you can get help very easily thanks to our Impulsfabrik!


A central task of the subject associations is the feedback of the students to their lecturers and their institute. As a subject association, it is therefore particularly important to request the results of the teaching evaluation from their institute in each case. As representatives of the students of a subject, it is important that they are able to reflect the needs in a well-founded manner.


UZH Quality Assurance


The MNF and the PhF of the UZH have a study association conference to jointly represent their interests vis-à-vis their own faculty and to elect delegates to faculty committees.


Organisational regulations of the FVK of the MNF

Organisational regulations of the FVK of the PhF

Cooperation with the VSUZH

The VSUZH is in constant contact with the study associations and student organizations and is happy to offer them its support. Participation in study association conferences and the implementation of the study association day, StudOrg day and the Activity Fair are just a few of the events that we use for exchange. In addition, study associations can ask us for financial support for events and the study association conference throughout the year. You can find all the information you need for financial applications in the section Our Services - Requests for financial support.

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement is evidence of student commitment. You can list your activities in the study association using a form and then have it certified by the university. Like this your contribution is also visible on your diploma. Make sure that you hand in this document together with your application for graduation. So take care of your personal diploma supplement as early as possible.

To the form

Medical school

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Medical Association (fvmed)

The Medical Association, “fvmed” for short, is the official organization of students for students  of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich. The fvmed pursues the idea of networking students  and solving problems of everyday student life together. With over 1,500 members, fvmed is the largest medical association in Switzerland! fvmed coordinates the various activities and acts as a link between the faculty and the students. As the official representative of all medical students at the University of Zurich, fvmed advocates their interests towards the university, the federal government and the public. By working in a wide variety of committees, the student association guarantees that students have a say in the choice of professors, the structuring of chairs, and the design of the academic years. The student association also offers a wide range of services to simplify everyday student life. With various events, it promotes the exchange between the year groups and thus strengthens the cohesion within the faculty.

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Swisschiropractic Students (SCS)

The SwissChiropracticStudents (SCS) are the association of students of chiropractic medicine in Zurich. We spend most of our time explaining to others what chiropractic is - in short: Chiropractic is one of five university medical professions in Switzerland and deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system with an emphasis on manual treatment techniques.  

As an association, we represent our members to the management of chiropractic medicine at the University of Zurich, are in close contact with the professional association of chiropractors in Switzerland (ChiroSuisse) and are a member of the WCCS (World Congress of Chiropractic_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Students) strives for international exchange with other chiropractic students. The focus, however, is on having fun while studying. With various occasions, be it cozy meals, sporting activities, further education events, exam preparation afternoons or boozy evenings, we try to promote the exchange between the students and the joy of studying and chiropractic.

Vetsuisse Faculty

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Association for Veterinary Medicine (FVV)

The FVV represents the interests of veterinary medicine students towards the university, the Vetsuisse Faculty and the public. With the organization of excursions, lectures and other events, we offer the students a possible framework to relax and to deepen the network with alumni, practitioners and each other.

Faculty of Theology

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Study Association for Religious Studies and Theology (FVtheorel)

The Fachverein FVtheorel (Religious Studies and Theology Association) supports the students of the Theological Faculty of the University of Zurich. We are primarily pursuing two goals with our commitment:

  • Networking of the students with each other and with the middle faculty and the professorship

  • Representing the concerns and interests of the students towards the university and the public

It is very important to us to shape student life at the faculty through diverse and interesting activities.

Faculty of Law

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Juris professional association

The Fachverein Juris is the officially recognized student representation of the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich. His core tasks lie in representing student interests towards the faculty, supporting students with questions and problems and organizing various social and study-related events. Through a parliamentary group in the VSUZH, he exerts influence at the university level and through his seat on the faculty assembly and in committees at the faculty level. With the annual first semester day and the JusCoachings distributed throughout the year, he helps first-year students in particular to find their way around the University of Zurich and in law studies. In addition, the student magazine N'Jus® reports on current topics relating to studies and law every semester. The student association offers students a platform to realize their ideas and pursue projects together with like-minded people. It enables students to use their skills outside of their studies and to make new friends and contacts.

Faculty of Business and Economics

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Economics Association (fvoec)

The Fachverein Oekonomie (fvoec) is the recognized student representation of the economics faculty. As student representatives, we support the interests of business students both at our faculty and at university level. Among other things, we organize the first semester day, inform the students with the OecNews and are the general student contact for questions and ideas for improvement relating to business studies. Of course, the social aspect must not be forgotten either, because at a good university there should not be a lack of togetherness among the students. To this end, we regularly organize various events such as PokerNight or our student parties.

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Computer Science Association (ICU)

The ICU is the official association of computer science students at the University of Zurich. We offer various services, help with your studies and organize various events such as bowling, go-kart and the barbecue and mulled wine party during the semesters. In addition, we represent the interests of the students towards the university and act as an interface to the professional world by holding events with potential employers such as PwC, AWK Group and Credit Suisse.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

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Specialist association for chemistry, biochemistry and business chemistry (atomoi)

True to the motto: "By students. For students."; the Fachverein Atomoi is there for all chemistry, business chemistry and biochemistry students. We represent your interests as a student, provide you with laboratory material and are always there for you if you have any questions or need support.

We also provide a little variety in student life with various events. The highlights include our traditional Christmas dinner and our various bar events at our wonderful Irchelbar. In order to provide an insight into opportunities after graduation, we regularly organize trips to industry, where there is plenty of time for your questions during guided tours and presentations.


Would you like to help? Do you have your own ideas? The board is always happy to see new faces! For more information about our offers and what we do, visit our website or drop by the Fachvereinszimmer.



Study association room: Y23-H-92

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Biology and Biomedicine Association (BiUZ)

Are you studying biology or biomedicine? Then the BiUZ is the contact point that has been committed to your interests since 1981. If your studies are getting too much for you, the BiUZ team will support you. For example, we organize the Bio-Kickstart, where experiences from previous semesters are shared with the freshmen At events such as the BIO[LOGE] or the legendary fondue meal, you and your fellow students can treat yourself and your fellow students to a break from everyday study life with a cool beer. As a link between students, lecturers and study coordinators, we are committed to improving the range of courses on various MNF committees. If you also think that the student daily routine could be made even more pleasant, you would like to realize your own projects and/or want to get actively involved, then we are looking for you! Come by: Mondays at 6:00 p.m. at Y23-H92

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Physics Association (FPU)

The Fachverein Physik FPU is the student representation of all physics students in major and major minor at the University of Zurich. We cherish and maintain our work and lounge room, are in regular contact with the Physics Institute and are committed to our degree program at institute and faculty level. In addition to occasional cozy events, we offer interesting guided tours and run a small library. Are you studying physics and would like to get in touch with us? Just drop by the Y36-J-28!

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Geography and Earth System Science Association (geoteam)

The geoteam is the board of directors of the Geography and Earth System Science Association at the University of Zurich. All geography and ESS students at the University of Zurich are members of the student association. Among other things, the geoteam takes care of the well-known DoBar and helps the third-semester students to carry out the Geofest, which takes place in November. It organizes hiking and ski weekends, gliding days, panel discussions, the first-semester tour and many other events. We are a non-profit organization - all proceeds go to charitable projects. Another important function is communicating the interests and concerns of the students to the responsible departments.

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Mathematics Association (FVM)

The FVM accompanies the math students through their years at the institute, supports them with problems and occasionally offers them some distraction from everyday study life. He welcomes the first semester students with the traditional spaghetti meal, organizes exam preparation courses, games tournaments, barbecue evenings and sometimes comforts them through a difficult lecture. If you're lucky, Santa Claus will even drop by the Analysis lecture in September. Our headquarters are in Y27K37, you can come by anytime and have a coffee with us or play a game of Jass. The counseling hours also take place there every Tuesday from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., where Math students can simply drop by if they have problems with their studies or have questions about subject selection or similar. If you have any questions about your studies or would like to help out with the Mathematics Association, we are always happy to receive an e-mail from you!

Faculty of Philosophy

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Computational Linguistics Association

The Fachverein Computational Linguistics represents the students towards the university and promotes student exchange with great events:

Apèro for freshmen, games evenings, Christmas dinner, summer party, sledding days, joint participation in the SOLA relay race! Events are announced via the CL mailing list (Registration). If you have any questions or want to get involved, send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Communication Association (fvcom)

The Communication specialist association forms an interface between students of communication science, the institute and the university. We are committed to improving study conditions, are in close contact with the IKMZ and form a platform for our fellow students. We would like to promote something that students find difficult due to the many lecture locations, different subject combinations and part-time jobs: A sense of community – more networking and mutual exchange. Through various events, workshops, company tours, our social media channels and website, we provide information about news from the media world and student life.

Would you like to be part of the Communication specialist association or find out more about us? Then take a look at our website or send an email to

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Educational Science Association (FVEW)

As a student association, we represent the interests of students from all chairs and ensure active communication with the Institute for Educational Science. The student association is active both at the Institute for Educational Science and at the university level. Through our delegates at the institute assembly, we can participate in decision-making processes within the institute and represent the interests of the student body. Our goal is to promote communication between students and to help shape the course. To this end, we organize events such as the first semester day, Advent aperitif etc. to enable an exchange. We are always open to questions and concerns from students and look forward to suggestions and proposals.
With us you can actively participate in the professional association or at a specific event. Feel free to contact us directly at any time!

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Association for Comparative Germanic Linguistics, Dutch Studies and Historical Linguistics (VGS, NL and HL)

We represent the interests of students from the fields of Comparative Germanic Linguistics (VGS), Dutch Studies (NL) and Historical Linguistics (HL). We want to encourage collaboration, among us students, but also with the faculty - and also *being* together. We organize the professional association regulars, our traditional Christmas fondue and every now and then an excursion. On our website you will find information about upcoming events as well as a lot of other useful information.

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Medieval Studies Association (fame)

The Fachverein Medievalistik is committed to the students of the interdisciplinary master’s program in Medieval Studies, takes care of student representation and organizes cultural and social events.

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Department of Psychology (FAPS)

The Psychology Department of the University of Zurich (FAPS) is an association of psychology students at the UZH and represents the interests of the students at the Psychological Institute. It doesn’t matter whether it’s games evenings in the Irchel, mulled wine parties on the cafeteria terrace in Oerlikon or the well-known psycho party: we bring students from many disciplines together with our events. We always cooperate with other professional associations. With our after-study events, we want to offer you the best basis for making decisions about your professional future. That's why we invite psychologists from different fields and they tell us something about their everyday work. You will be informed about current issues on our social media channels, the mailing list and our homepage.

Do you have an idea of your own and would you like to implement it with us as a specialist association? No problem. Write us an email and meet us for a coffee in the office at BIN.1.B.25 in Oerlikon. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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Student Council Nordic Studies (FAN)

The Nordic Studies student council is made up of students majoring in and minoring in Scandinavian Studies who are interested in cultural events from their field of study or simply enjoy a cozy get-together with like-minded people. The six members of the FAN board organize events about every four weeks during the semester, where the focus is on enjoying Scandinavian culture and the friendly exchange among each other. Film evenings, our autumn Pølsefest, cozy evenings on the roof terrace or in the aquarium as well as the annual Lucia and summer festivals are part of the programme. Everyone is invited to these events, Nordic or not, student or not. The FAN welcomes everyone! We are very happy about new additions to the Fachverein - you are cordially invited to drop by the "Aquarium" (SOD-030) where at least one of us usually sits and welcomes you "to the Fika"!

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English Studies Association (FAVA)

The FAVA (Fachverein Englishistik) is the official student organization of the English Seminar. Our main goal is not only to make your time at the English Seminar a bit easier, but also more enjoyable. Apart from representing students' interests at the institute assembly (the official meeting of professors and staff representatives), the FAVA hosts and supports various academic and alcoholic events such as the annual Beginning of the Semester Apéro, Christmas Party and Grill'n'Chill that give you the chance to catch up with old friends and makes new ones!

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Association of General and Comparative Literature (FAVL)

The AVL student council is the union of all AVL students. We promote the professional culture within our department and ensure exchange and cohesion among the students of this subject. We organize various activities outside of the seminar room. These can be thematically related to your studies in the form of visits to the theater and other cultural activities, or just a cozy evening with a beer. If you have any questions or problems in connection with your studies, you can contact us at any time. We form the interface between lecturers and students. In this function, we are happy to accept your concerns and suggestions of all kinds.

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Art History Association (FVkhist)

The department of the Art History Institute promotes social exchange and cohesion among the students and serves as a mediator on a communicative and unipolitical level. The board of directors is committed to the recognition and implementation of student interests and concerns and actively tries to make everyday university life for art history students more exciting and attractive. We appreciate your interest and hope to see you soon at one of our events! Also follow us on Instagram for updates!

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Ethnology Association (FVEZ)

The Fachverein Ethnologie Zürich (FVEZ) is the organization of the students at the ISEK - Ethnologie and at the Völkerkundemuseum Zürich. It represents the interests of the Zurich ethnology students towards the institute, faculty and university and makes a contribution to the social life of the ethnology students. The Fachverein is the right place to go for all questions about studying ethnology! The decision-making body of the student association is the board, which holds short meetings and decides on business. There are also numerous working groups, all of which are supported by motivated students. The AGs organize cozy dinners, exciting first-semester days, adventurous EthnoWeekends and the exorbitantly crass EthnoParty! Our events are open to all ethnology students and ISEK employees.

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History Association (FVhist)

The Fachverein FVhist is a group of committed students who are always committed to ensuring that the interests of the students in the history seminar are perceived. Organized into various working groups, we provide representatives for important commissions and thus do university-political work, and we also organize various social events, such as the HS-Bar, which takes place twice a semester. We are always happy to welcome new members who want to support us in our activities.

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Indology Association (find)

The student association is there to make the students heard and to exercise our right to have a say in study issues. In addition to our uni-political commitment, the social aspect should not be neglected. For example, we often organize India-related film evenings. We are always open to suggestions and ideas.

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Islamic Studies Association

We at the Islamic Studies Association are here to accompany you on your way through the jungle of the university (and the Arabic language). We organize annual aperitifs and language cafés where you can have fun and exchange ideas. In addition, like all subject associations, we form the link between the students and the university. Do you have suggestions for exams, classes or the faculty in general? You can easily attach them via your faculty association.

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Japanese Studies Association (FVjapo)

The Japanese Studies Association stands in the name of student exchange and the promotion of a productive climate at the University of Zurich. To this end, efforts are always being made to bring Japanese Studies students into contact with students from Japan and thus actively promote foreign language acquisition. With our student tutoring, we are also committed to ensuring that new students benefit from the knowledge of their senpais and are thus successfully accompanied through the first year.

The growing size of the Japanese Studies Association means that we are able to present you with various regular and extraordinary events today. These include discussion rounds with lecturers, guests and alumni, karaoke evenings, various cultural programs, regulars' tables, bento cooking courses, exchange events, end-of-semester dinners and much more.

Every student or anyone interested in Japanese Studies is cordially invited to visit us or to contact us at Due to our wide range of offers, we are happy about every helping hand and every new member.

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East Asian Art History Association (FVKGOA)

The Fachverein Art History East Asia is the student association of art history East Asia at the University of Zurich, which represents the interests of the students towards the Art History Institute as a student representative of the Faculty of Philosophy. In addition, one of the main concerns of the student association is to support students with any questions and problems related to their studies.


The board consists of active members who take care of different areas of responsibility such as internal coordination, finances and upcoming events of the association. Students thus have the opportunity to actively participate in the decisions as members of the Fachverein meetings and thereby help shape the future of the Fachverein. The network of the student association can be very valuable during your studies, as members from different semesters can exchange ideas regularly. In order to promote the growth of the association, new members and those interested in our events are always welcome. In addition to the regular meetings, we organize museum tours, cooking events, games and karaoke evenings as well as an annual summer party with other professional associations.


Further useful information regarding the semester planning and upcoming events will be sent via our mailing list (registered and regularly posted on the official Instagram page (@fvkgoauzh) shared by the Fachverein. We look forward to you!

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Musicology Association

The musicology department represents the concerns of the students at the institute and strives to create a pleasant atmosphere and good cooperation with the lecturers and professors. We organize various events to help students get in touch with each other outside of the lectures. This includes, for example, the semester opening and semester end aperitifs with concerts to which all students and lecturers are invited. The cafeteria in the glass foyer is also managed by the student association, where drinks and food are available for a small fee.

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Association of Popular Cultures (FPK)

The Fachverein Popular Kulturen (FPK) is the association of students of popular cultures at the University of Zurich. We take care of students' concerns related to their studies and represent the interests of the students towards the institute, faculty, university and the public.So that the social exchange among the students is not neglected, we organize events such as the annual summer festival or exciting excursions. All students of Popular Cultures are members of the student association. However, so that the professional association can continue to grow, we are happy about every member who is also interested in active cooperation.

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Sinology Association (FVsino)

The Sinology Association represents the interests of Sinology students at the University of Zurich. We are therefore available to everyone who has questions about the Sino studies, the language stay, career opportunities, etc. But we also have an open ear for other problems and support our fellow students as best we can! Apart from that, it is also important to the Sinologie Fachverein to create a safe space where friendships can also be made. Among other things, we organize Chinese film evenings, our annual summer festival, a Halloween party, celebrate the Chinese New Year together, etc. AWe are also there when it comes to career opportunities by forwarding job and internship offers to our members.

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Slavic studies association

As a student association, we are the contact persons for all students of the Slavic Seminar in everyday study life and for various matters - contact us if you have any questions about the study or the Slavic Seminar! We are also responsible for mediating between students, lecturers and professors and carry out uni-political tasks. For example, we have a say in filling a new professorship. Last but not least, we create an informal framework for discussions, exchange of experiences and information between the students, for example at our regulars' table, and organize the infamous Slavic Party.

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Gender Studies Association (genS)

gens, the Fachverein Gender Studies, is a recognized Fachverein at the University of Zurich. We are a contact point for professional matters and offer a framework for student and topic-specific exchange.

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Student Council German Studies (GIFT)

The GIFT is the official representative of the German studies students at the UZH. It provides information about all aspects of studying, offers free tutorships and organizes a wide variety of events for German language and literature students. A central concern of the GIFT is to promote contact among the students, to support the students in every form and to make everyday student life a little more colourful. We are always open to new ideas!

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Fachverein Archäologie Zürich (FAZH)

The Fachverein Archäologie Zürich is made up of students with a wide variety of subject combinations, but they have one thing in common: an interest in archaeology.


This interest is encouraged at the FAZH. Excursions to museums, to archaeological structures or to ongoing excavations can expand the theoretical and practical horizon of knowledge and enable exchange with specialists. Other events that we organize are game and film evenings, aperitifs and the symposium (our regulars' table). Der However, FAZH also serves the exchange between students and the institute as well as others Institutions related to archaeology. We're always happy to see new faces, so take a look if you're interestedour home pageover. There you will also find the information for our next event, we would be happy to welcome you there!

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Student Council Classics

The student council represents the interests of classical philology students. It is intended to promote contact between the students and with the lecturers and to offer a contact point for questions and problems relating to the course. At least one general meeting takes place per semester, at which upcoming university events are voted on and concerns of the members can be discussed. She also runs the "Cassandra" printer and the coffee room in the basement of the seminar.

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Department of Philosophy (Philo)

The FV Philo organizes regular events for the students (PhiloBier, PhiloParty, PhiloGrill) and represents the students in committees such as the institute assembly or the library commission. Whether you are a freshman, a final semester student or something in between - here you can meet like-minded people, join the discussion, get actively involved in seminar politics, help organize events or create new ones! Interested? Then come to the next session without obligation - the appointment is in the display case in front of the FV room.

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Political Science Association (Polito)

The Political Science Association represents the interests of political science students to professors, research institutes, faculty, university and higher authorities and serves as a discussion forum for political science questions and matters. In addition, he strives for contact and information exchange with other student or political science organizations and the provision of services for the students.

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Film Studies Association (CUT!)

The Film Studies Association is the voice of the students. He represents them in commissions, curriculum meetings and in other functions, but should also offer them opportunities to connect with student and film life in Zurich. Therefore, the student association consists on the one hand of students who are active members in the Board of Directors participate, and on the other hand also from the passive members - the entire student body of the FiWi UZH. The Score association is always looking for new active members, so you too could soon become a part of Score. Please contact us via email.

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Sociology Fachverein (SoFa)

In addition to representing the concerns of sociology students, SoFa organizes various social events outside of the university, such as a Soz party, a spaghetti meal, mulled wine or punch bowl evenings and public lectures. In addition, we can appoint an external lecturer for a course at the Sociological Institute every fall semester. We are also your contact for everything to do with studying sociology. Just send us an email or come to one of our meetings!

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Association of Romance Studies Students (VSR)

The VSR has important functions and a say at RoSe at institute level. Interested members can also take part in the conference of the faculty and run for important offices there (see conference of the faculty). However, the VSR not only deals with educational policy issues, but is also interested in promoting culture and improving the exchange of information among students. In order to achieve this, the VSR offers various activities with the help of voluntary members: RoSe festival, storytelling night, book sales, aperitifs for freshmen, theater groups, etc. (new ideas are always welcome).

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Linguistics Association (FLING)

The Fachverein Linguistics is for students of Comparative Linguistics, Evolutionary Linguistics and the Monomaster Linguistics. Our events are varied and include semester opening aperitifs, competitive linguistics, barbecues, museum visits, etc. Our goal is to give students the opportunity to get to know others with similar interests and to bring them closer to the institute. We represent the students in all matters and also inform about new positions through our mailing list.


Association for Cultural Analysis

Is under reconstruction.

VSUZH Board Members!      

Are you interested in getting involved for other students? Are you a student at UZH and a motivated individual who would like to organize the next freshman day? Are you interested in actively participating in university politics? Would you like to support student organizations and associations (StudOrgs) at UZH in their activities while getting to know motivated students? Then you are the perfect board member for VSUZH!

Your Tasks

  • Educational representation of students' interests as part of the executive team of the association

  • Active participation in board meetings

  • Contribution to, coordination, and implementation of various projects

  • Responsibility for various subject areas as part of a department

We Offer

  • Diverse activities with a high level of independence and personal responsibility

  • Contribution to shaping student life at UZH

  • Flexible working hours

  • Implementation and development of creative ideas

  • The opportunity to advocate for the 22,000 students in a leadership role

  • Free entry to VSUZH events


  • Communication skills

  • Team spirit

  • Reliability

  • Resilience

Starting Date: May 15, 2024, or by arrangement.

Workplace: VSUZH Office, Rämistrasse 62, 8001 Zurich & Home Office.

Find an overview of the 7 different departments at VSUZH here!

Have these tasks sparked your interest? Then we would love to get to know you personally and provide more information about the selection process. :) Feel free to email us at Perhaps you'll soon be the next board member in our fantastic student association. We look forward to meeting you!

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     VSUZH Co-Presidency!

Are you interested in getting involved for other students? Are you a student at UZH and a motivated individual who would like to organize the next freshman day? Are you interested in actively participating in university politics? Would you like to support student organizations and associations (StudOrgs) at UZH in their activities while getting to know motivated students? Then you are the perfect board member for VSUZH!


Your Tasks

  • Representation of the VSUZH board in the council, at the Swiss Student Union (VSS), and opposite the rector and vice-rector, as well as external parties

  • Maintaining an overview of ongoing projects

  • Leading board meetings

  • Participating in section council and presidium meetings as well as briefings


We Offer

  • Diverse activities with a high level of independence and personal responsibility

  • Contribution to shaping student life at UZH

  • Flexible working hours

  • Implementation and development of creative ideas

  • The opportunity to advocate for the 22,000 students in a leadership role

  • Free entry to VSUZH events


  • Communication skills

  • Team spirit

  • Reliability

  • Resilience

Starting Date: May 15th, 2024, or by arrangement.

Workplace: VSUZH Office, Rämistrasse 62, 8001 Zurich & Home Office.

Find an overview of the 7 different departments at VSUZH here!

Have these tasks sparked your interest? Then we would love to get to know you personally and provide more information about the selection process. :) Feel free to email us at Perhaps you'll soon be the next board member in our fantastic student association. We look forward to meeting you!

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Do you want to get involved voluntarily with the VSUZH for students in general? Do you enjoy trying new things and like working with a fantastic, diverse team?

Then become a member, join the council, and participate in our committees. You can also send an email to info@vsuzh.chIf you have any questions or uncertainties, we are available both via email and in our office. :)


For more information and immediate updates about the open positions on the board, follow us on Instagram @vsuzh ! (:

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© 2020 University of Zurich Students Association

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